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The Committee on Climate Change

Published: 2nd November 2021

In the middle of March, I started a three month placement at The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) in London. The CCC is a public body which provides independent advice to the UK government on building a low-carbon economy and preparing for climate change. During the placement, I worked predominantly in the Transport and Land Use sectors completing analysis and engaging with stakeholders to determine the cost effective path to meeting the UK’s Net Zero target.

I learned so much about analysis, policy and climate change, and really enjoyed my time there.  It was a great experience, albeit a slightly surreal one, as apart from one day in the office, the entire placement was completed remotely due to Covid! I found the opportunity through the UKRI Policy Internship Scheme, which offers doctoral students the chance to spend three months in a government department. I thoroughly recommend the scheme to anyone wishing to explore a career in policy and analysis!


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