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Irene Jimenez-Fortunato

Ms Irene Jimenez-Fortunato

University of Southampton


Irene Jimenez-Fortunato

Irene Jiménez Fortunato is a PhD student in the Infrastructures Research Group at the University of Southampton. Her PhD project title is ‘Novel Integrated Imaging Approaches for Damage Characterisation of Composite Materials and Structures’. She is currently working towards developing a novel, more versatile strain-based NDE for defect and damage characterisation (strain and stress fields) by integrating Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and Thermoelastic Stress Analysis (TSA), as well as reducing the operational and acquisition costs by using low-cost bolometers (for TSA) and low frame rate white light cameras (for DIC).

Previous to her PhD, Irene completed an MSc as part of a double-degree program between Cranfield University and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) BarcelonaTech in Aerospace Engineering, in particular, Aerospace Vehicle Design (Aircraft Design option) MSc. She did her BSc in Aerospace Technology Engineering at the UPC BarcelonaTech.

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