CIMComp Archive Press Release
Published: 15th July 2015
The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites (CIMComp) ran its Open Day on the 23 June 2015 in Bristol, UK.
The CIMComp Open Day ran as a precursor to the ICMAC conference which was held at the same venue on the 24 – 25th June.
The Open Day was viewed as a hugely successful event with 155 registered delegates with equal representation from both industry and academia, representing sectors including aerospace, automotive, defence, energy, motorsport, material suppliers, plus national and international institutions.
The Open Day enabled CIMComp to disseminate project results to all partners and the wider composites community, showing progress against its aims and how they fit within the wider UK composites strategy. A series of technical presentation were delivered allowing the delegates to hear about the latest in composites manufacturing innovations including process modelling and automated manufacturing, textile development and advanced joining techniques. Key note presentations from Peter Chivers, CEO, National Composites Centre, and Amir Rezai, Senior Technologist, BAE Systems, provided great insist into the UK’s composite strategy as well as highlighting how areas of CIMComp research are already supporting fundamental technologies towards these future goals.
Following the success of this Open Day, CIMComp will now look to make this an annual event.