Published: 19th January 2022
The EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub (The Hub) has announced the funding of five new feasibility studies, following the call for proposals issued in May 2021.
Each award of £50,000 will typically fund a six month project, expanding the national research effort for composites manufacturing in the UK. Proposals were invited from UK academic researchers for projects that addressed sustainability challenges for fibre reinforced composites.
Titles of the successful feasibility studies chosen for funding are:
Dmitry Ivanov, University of Bristol
Tom Turner, University of Nottingham
James Kratz, University of Bristol
Dipa Roy, University of Edinburgh
Davide de Focatiis, University of Nottingham
The Hub employs a flexible funding model to ensure research responds to opportunities highlighted by technology road mapping, industry needs, or the National Composites Strategy, as defined by the Composites Leadership Forum. These 5 new Feasibility Studies are an opportunity to investigate risky and ambitious ideas, which may lead to major collaborative projects if feasibility is demonstrated.
More information about all new projects will be founded here as they progress.