Published: 30th June 2022
The EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Hub (The Hub) has announced the funding of three new Synergy Promotion projects, following the call for proposals issued in February 2022.
The call was open to all UK academics eligible to receive EPSRC funding. Proposals were required to have a minimum of two university partners and envisaged to have a maximum duration of 12 months. The maximum grant expected to be in the order of £100,000 at full Economic Cost (fEC) per academic partner, with funding awarded at 80% fEC.
Titles of the successful Synergy promotion projects chosen for funding are:
Edward McCarthy, University of Edinburgh
Han Zhang, Queen Mary University of London
Jonathan Belnoue, University of Bristol
The Hub look forward to welcoming new academic partner; Queen Mary University of London and look to seeing the developments on all of the projects.
More information about all new projects will be founded here as they progress.